Know us


We currently have facilities that can accommodate more than 2,000 corals, and we are in full expansion to increase capacity. We import to Spain on a regular basis, so the available coral stock is always in constant rotation. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with the news in our imports.

To ensure the well-being of the coral while it is in our facilities, we have the best technology, and we use the best products on the market for the disinfection, feeding and maintenance of the corals. All our corals go through a strict period of quarantine and acclimatization to ensure that when our client receives the coral it is in perfect condition for its final sale.

That is our main objective as an importer and distributor of coral, that end customers have at their disposal in stores the best coral available. For this we work with the best distributors in origin on the planet, where we directly select the best pieces throughout the process.

From their selection at origin to arrival at our facilities in Spain, the entire process is supervised by Seda Coral. Only in this way can we supply coral of outstanding premium quality.



Seda Coral import S.L. is a company dedicated to the import and distribution of premium corals. Many years of experience in marine aquariums support us. Being aware of the environment, they must be the basic pillars of this hobby, our corals are extracted in a sustainable way and in accordance with current legislation in the country of origin and destination.

One of our main values ​​is the direct selection by us at source. As importers and distributors of corals, we directly control the entire process, from its choice, until it reaches our facilities for quarantine and acclimatization, ensuring total customer satisfaction. We currently supply a large number of stores, both inside and outside of Spain. We always carry out our shipments with the maximum guarantees of animal welfare.

David, our partner in origin, has lived in Asia for more than 20 years, so the contact with our suppliers is direct and we make a one-by-one selection of the corals with the most health and color. We are specialists in rare and exotic culture corals, as well as the best SPS available. Shipments to all of Europe available by UPS.